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                                <header class="home_feat_head">
                                    <h1 class="home_feat_title">
                                        Building a culture of powerful, responsible citizenship

                            <div class="fs-cell fs-lg-6">
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                                <div class="home_feat_content" data-anim="on-load" data-anim-type="fade-up" style="--anim-order: 1;">
                                    <div class="home_feat_desc">
                                        <p><strong>Our dream</strong> is a country in which Americans are steeped in a sense of civic character and educated in the tools of civic power. Where each of us are problem-solving contributors in our communities. Our mission is to build this culture of powerful, responsible citizenship across the country.</p>

                                    <div class="home_feat_cta">
                                        <a href="#" class="button theme_white ">
                                            <span class="button_text">
                                                About Citizen University

                                            <span class="button_icon">

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                                                    <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />


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                                            <img class="home_feat_small_one_image" src="https://images.fastspot.com/citizen-university/555x740/1" alt="">


            <div class="home_feat_wrap is_mobile">
                <div class="home_feat_top">
                    <header class="home_feat_head">
                        <h1 class="home_feat_title">
                            Building a culture of powerful, responsible citizenship

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                    <div class="home_feat_mobile_images_top_item is_two">
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                            <img class="js-lazy js-lazyload home_feat_small_one_image" src="//images.fastspot.com/citizen-university/555x740/1" data-src="//images.fastspot.com/citizen-university/555x740/1" alt="">
                            <img class="home_feat_small_one_image" src="https://images.fastspot.com/citizen-university/555x740/1" alt="">

                <div class="home_feat_bottom">
                    <div class="home_feat_content ">
                        <div class="home_feat_desc">
                            <p><strong>Our dream</strong> is a country in which Americans are steeped in a sense of civic character and educated in the tools of civic power. Where each of us are problem-solving contributors in our communities. Our mission is to build this culture of powerful, responsible citizenship across the country.</p>

                        <div class="home_feat_cta">
                            <a href="#" class="button theme_white ">
                                <span class="button_text">
                                    About Citizen University

                                <span class="button_icon">

                                    <svg class="icon icon_arrow_right">
                                        <use href="/images/icons.svg#arrow_right" />

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										<p>{{ desc }}</p>

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									sources: [
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							} %}
					{% endif %}

				<div class="home_feat_bottom">
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						<div class="home_feat_desc">
							<p>{{ desc }}</p>

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							<div class="home_feat_cta">
								{% include "@component-button" with {
									theme: "white",
									text: cta.title,
									href: cta.url,
									icon: "arrow_right"
								} %}
						{% endif %}

No notes defined.