Citizen University

Building a culture of powerful, responsible citizenship

Our dream is a country in which Americans are steeped in a sense of civic character and educated in the tools of civic power. Where each of us are problem-solving contributors in our communities. Our mission is to build this culture of powerful, responsible citizenship across the country.

Building a culture of powerful, responsible citizenship

Our dream is a country in which Americans are steeped in a sense of civic character and educated in the tools of civic power. Where each of us are problem-solving contributors in our communities. Our mission is to build this culture of powerful, responsible citizenship across the country.

There’s a place for you at CU, where do you want to start?

Our democracy relies on each of us living like citizens and inspiring others to do as well. We all have power to make positive change in our communities—and the responsibility to try.

Find your people at Citizen University

Connect with like-minded citizens who are building a stronger civic culture in communities across the nation.

Find your people at Citizen University

Connect with like-minded citizens who are building a stronger civic culture in communities across the nation.